Following on from a previous post on the ELIAKIM blog.
"That is the only mention of the 'Hidden Path' in the whole bible. However, Jesus Christ also spoke of it in terms of the eye of the needle and I have informed people in the past, there is no room to take anything with you. It requires complete detachment from earthly realities, when you get to the other side you're then given back what is required for the next divine mission.
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
Its no coincidence that verse is Matthew 7:13-14 As seven is related to forgiveness in the NT, the life number of the spiritual teacher, the Hebrew gematria value of the ZAYIN. 13 also relates to 'Love' and 'The One', in Rev 13, she is wisdom that was called to do the count on the man.
Small gate, narrow road, few find it. Solomon also spoke about the small and the feminine. The book of Genesis mentions a small town. Zechariah 4:10, "Who dares despise the day of small things, since the seven eyes of the LORD that range throughout the earth will rejoice when they see the chosen capstone in the hand of Zerubbabel?” That was a funny time, when I met an orthodox American Christian that went by the name of Zerubbabel in the public domain. The discussion we had will surely still be on the internet. If I remember correctly, it took place in 2008 on one of my threads in front of witnesses."
There are various points to add to the above. First there was always more than one meaning to what Christ said. As we know he taught forgiveness and Prophet Isaiah predicted that in New Jerusalem, the City of Enlightenment, all would be forgiven for what they had done. He also spoke about how those that live there will live long life, for 120 years again. Just like the Essenes lived long life due to healthy spiritual living. Ecologically and self-sustainably.
The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I AM the LORD and in its time I will do it swiftly. Isaiah 60:22.
In some translations it is written, 'the least one shall become a clan'. Does that relate to the tribe of Joseph that the bible tells you will be saved?
Another translation, 'A little one will become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation'.
Zechariah 12:8 also speaks of them. 'a small one a strong nation; a company of weak persons, persecuted by their enemies, and unable to resist them, as in the present state: now there will be a nation of them strong and mighty; the feeble among them shall be as David, and the house of David as elohiym, as the Angel of the Lord'.
In the NIV translation, it states the LORD will shield those that live in (new) Jerusalem. The angel of the LORD goes before them.
The word Zerubbabel is also relevant because it relates to an exile from Babylon. In the book of Revelation, the USA is Babylon. In the prophecies about the LORD's plan for the last days of the end times. Micah 4 also mentions the mountain. As I have said previously, New Jerusalem will not be in Israel or the USA. I have been given the name of the location and where it is to come to be.
In some translations of Zechariah 12:4 it does not mention the capstone, instead the word 'plumb line' is in its place. The plumb line is to do with the measure, and as we know it relates to a water line. Also in Isaiah 28, Prophet Isaiah states that the LORD will make justice the measuring line, and righteousness the plumb line. It also tells the people that the hail and water will come. In Isaiah 34 that is about the judgement of the nations, it tells them that the USA will be in chaos and desolation. The men of EDOM live in the land of ESAU that is the USA. As we know Obama is doing his utmost to co--create that desolation and chaos. Research also showed that 84% of Americans are in emotional chaos.
The plumb line of righteousness, also relates to prophecy of Hosea, when he predicted that the LORD God would betroth his people to him by righteousness and faithfulness. How he would plant her in Jezreel. That happened in May 2006. It was another sign of the last days of the end times and that the Messenger of the Covenant was here. King David also gave the prophecy that the Harp of Faithfulness would come at night time.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Friday, 20 April 2012
400 Men from America
The book of Genesis tells you that after the messengers went to Esau, 400 men returned with them. That is the number that I have been given for the building of New Jerusalem. 800 altogether and 400 will be locals. The men are to work together, and those that do the will of God, will be given their plot of land, they will build together. The Angelic architects are here exactly as the Dead Sea Scrolls predicted, and I have been given the name of the city of the location five times. 2012 is also a five year.
I was told there will be up to 850 houses altogether in the new holy city. 400 locals will build with their families and the indigenous peoples that constitute the 400 will live in the holy city on the medicine mountain as pre-ordained. Some may be farmers, they may be builders, teachers, doctors, paramedics, ecologists, scientists, or healers, each bring their skills and talents to the new holy city of enlightenment.
From the 400 from the land of ESAU, USA, can also include people that are from the indigenous peoples. Hispanics, American Indians etc. The biblical prophecies predict that a new strong nation will come to be.
As we know 40 is a number that relates to Moses, so these people will be people who honor the will of God and the promise that the LORD God made to his people. They honor the Messenger of the Covenant that was sent to help the indigenous peoples and their children. To ensure that the children receive their spiritual inheritance as was pre-ordained.
I was told there will be up to 850 houses altogether in the new holy city. 400 locals will build with their families and the indigenous peoples that constitute the 400 will live in the holy city on the medicine mountain as pre-ordained. Some may be farmers, they may be builders, teachers, doctors, paramedics, ecologists, scientists, or healers, each bring their skills and talents to the new holy city of enlightenment.
From the 400 from the land of ESAU, USA, can also include people that are from the indigenous peoples. Hispanics, American Indians etc. The biblical prophecies predict that a new strong nation will come to be.
As we know 40 is a number that relates to Moses, so these people will be people who honor the will of God and the promise that the LORD God made to his people. They honor the Messenger of the Covenant that was sent to help the indigenous peoples and their children. To ensure that the children receive their spiritual inheritance as was pre-ordained.
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Location New City of Jerusalem
On the 17th of April, 2012, the LORD God said the name of the location again. I just checked the news on what is going on and they require help with an awareness campaign. I took action and responded to it by contacting a government agency there to discuss the plans for New Jerusalem. The new holy city of Enlightenment.
The 17th of April, is the 'Day of Purpose'.
May the will of God be done.
The 17th of April, is the 'Day of Purpose'.
May the will of God be done.
New Jerusalem Timeline
Prophet Jeremiah delivered a lovely message, 'And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase. Jeremiah 23:2-4 There is a similar passage in Zephaniah 3:18-20
'I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the LORD shall reign over them in Mount ZION from henceforth, even for ever. Micah 4:7 At the beginning of Micah 4 that is about the last days of the end times, and the LORD's plan for his daughter ZION, Prophet Micah mentions the mountain that the LORD has chosen.
'In the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.' Micah 4:1 This passage refers to the place where his ecological, self-sustainable city shall be, his blessed house on the mountain. I was shown the mountain, told the name of the location, exactly as it is predicted in the book of Revelation. Hence we have started a new blog for New Jerusalem.
Isaiah 4 spoke about the branch of the LORD and how it would be beautiful and glorious. The prophecy includes the 'fruit' and the fruit was a sign that was also given in the NT.
The prophecy states how he would cleanse the bloodstains from Jerusalem with a spirit of judgement and fire. The prophet most known for the judgement and fire was Elijah. However, in the NT, the judgement is to do with the Queen of the South and 5 million trees did burn down on Mount Carmel at Jewish New Year in 2010. And so it continues until the people do the will of God, as we know the Spirit of Elijah is also mentioned in the Malachi prophecies for the last days of then end times.
"Then the LORD will create over all of Mount Zion and over those who assemble there a cloud of smoke by day and a glow of flaming fire by night; over everything the glory will be a canopy. It will be a shelter and shade from the heat of the day, and a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain."
As we know there are only clouds of smoke high up in the mountains. This prophecy is talking about the mountain refuge of New Jerusalem, that would come to be after the spirit of judgement and fire arrived. The prophecies of Isaiah are really incredible. There is a lot more to come yet, until they're ready to accept.
Where is the HOUSE?
"Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain." Psalm 127:1 During the Rev 12 timeline, the Son of God said to me 'Your love is not in vain'. However, Psalm 127 informs the people that there will be a house.
In Isaiah 66, he asks for the house. "This is what the LORD says:“Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be? Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?” declares the LORD." Isaiah 66:1-2
"Hear that uproar from the city, hear that noise from the temple! It is the sound of the LORD repaying his enemies all they deserve." Isaiah 66:6 Who are his enemies? The Patriachs that supported Obama, the Leopard in the book of Daniel and Rev 13. Who else worship in temples? The Mormons. This is just one example. This video has just be uploaded.
This Prince of Peace Church in Philadelphia burned to the ground when the comforter flew into the USA in April 2008. It was the LORD's testimony of ELIAKIM JOSEPH-SOPHIA, to let the Americans know that we had landed on their soil. The followers of Jesus were warned not to build upon his foundations with building materials. Why? He knew that the holy city of houses would come to be in the last days. A spiritual community that is ecological, self-sustainable, for healing and self development.
Prophet Isaiah gave some very good descriptions about the location. The only reason that I understand these prophecies is that I was divinely given the location, and as such I understand what is written and how it applies to the place that the LORD has chosen for his house to be built.
"The LORD is exalted, for he dwells on high; he will fill Zion with his justice and righteousness. He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure." Isaiah 33:5-6
In that passage the mention of righteousness also applies to the prophecies of Hosea about the woman that would come. He did plant her in Jezreel in May 2006. I was also divinely trained in the path of salvation and I was given the keys to the kingdom. As we know wisdom is also Sophia in Greek, and it is to do with philosophy. However, he does not ask the people to fear him, he likes people to be in awe of him, like a woman when she loves her husband. Remember Hosea told you all that he will betroth his people to him in 'righteousness and faithfulness'. She is his harp of faithfulness mentioned by King David in Psalm 92, the one that would come at night time.
Interesting that he mentions the 'key to this treasure'. 'You are sacred and a treasure to behold. Count your blessings as if you are counting gold'. from Sacred Words
More about the location. "The ones who will dwell on the heights, whose refuge will be the mountain fortress. Their bread will be supplied, and water will not fail them. Your eyes will see the king in his beauty and view a land that stretches afar." Isaiah 33:16-17
1. Mountain fortress
2. Food and water provided.
3. It is high up on the mountain and you will be able see a long way away from there.
"Look on Zion, the city of our festivals; your eyes will see Jerusalem, a peaceful abode, a tent that will not be moved; its stakes will never be pulled up, nor any of its ropes broken. There the LORD will be our Mighty One. It will be like a place of broad rivers and streams. No galley with oars will ride them, no mighty ship will sail them. For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; it is he who save us". Isaiah 33:20-22
1. It is a city of festivals. However, its not talking about religious festivals.
2. The abode is peaceful
3. Tent that will not be moved. That relates to the 'tent of meeting'. People can camp in this area and do so freely. Does that remind you of the Occupy movement and how they were moved on? People will not move the people in this location.
4. The ropes are also a metaphor and it relates to the mystic rope.
5. The tents also apply to the indigenous peoples, and they know that the rainbow warriors are coming.
They are symbolic of the desert Hebrews, the beduins and the American Indians.
6. In the location there are broad rivers and streams, plenty of fresh water, to drink and swim in. Natural springs.
7. There are no political or religious leaders that will control them.
There are other texts that relate to it and I will make more posts.
Monday, 16 April 2012
This is from a post on our other blog called 'God said 'DEBREVE'.
Genesis released an album with the song 'Suppers Ready' and it included the words '666 is no longer alone'. "In the programme given out at Genesis concerts at the time, "Lover's Leap" was explained as: "In which two lovers are lost in each other's eyes, and found again transformed in the bodies of another male and female." The programme described the final section of the song ' as follows: "Above all else an egg is an egg. 'And did those feet ............' making ends meet. Jerusalem = place of peace." [3]
Genesis described the song as a trip through the book of Revelation. It is no coincidence that Peter Gabriel sang the song. Due to the connection of the name Peter with the Vatican, and name Gabriel with Islam. Check out the lyrics, the result is New Jerusalem and peace. However, they are not aware that it is daughter ZION that was shown the mountain where the new holy city will be established.
The wondrous woman from heaven is the one that was victorious and overcome. She is the one that was given the name of the city exactly as the book of Revelation predicted that she would. Hence. why Jesus referred to her as the Queen of the South, and the comforter that would come for his followers.
Genesis released an album with the song 'Suppers Ready' and it included the words '666 is no longer alone'. "In the programme given out at Genesis concerts at the time, "Lover's Leap" was explained as: "In which two lovers are lost in each other's eyes, and found again transformed in the bodies of another male and female." The programme described the final section of the song ' as follows: "Above all else an egg is an egg. 'And did those feet ............' making ends meet. Jerusalem = place of peace." [3]
Genesis described the song as a trip through the book of Revelation. It is no coincidence that Peter Gabriel sang the song. Due to the connection of the name Peter with the Vatican, and name Gabriel with Islam. Check out the lyrics, the result is New Jerusalem and peace. However, they are not aware that it is daughter ZION that was shown the mountain where the new holy city will be established.
The wondrous woman from heaven is the one that was victorious and overcome. She is the one that was given the name of the city exactly as the book of Revelation predicted that she would. Hence. why Jesus referred to her as the Queen of the South, and the comforter that would come for his followers.
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Rev 3:12 New Jerusalem - Divine Plan
"The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name." Rev 3:12
All of the above was received. I didn't only receive the name of the city of the location, I was also shown the exact mountain, the design and the colors for New Jerusalem. New Jerusalem is really just a project name to differentiate it from old Jerusalem, in Israel.
As the prophecies predicted the old heaven and earth is passing away, and all be created anew. God does not plan for to it be built in Israel or the USA. He has chosen a really beautiful place for his new holy city. The Dead Sea Scrolls also spoke about the Angelic Architects and they have also arrived.
Yesterday, I also received a copy of some information that had been given to the Lakotah Indians in 1997.
And they told me that their elders have also spoken about the medicine mountain.
This video was created in 2009 to give people a taster and it is part two. The City of Enlightenment.
All of the above was received. I didn't only receive the name of the city of the location, I was also shown the exact mountain, the design and the colors for New Jerusalem. New Jerusalem is really just a project name to differentiate it from old Jerusalem, in Israel.
As the prophecies predicted the old heaven and earth is passing away, and all be created anew. God does not plan for to it be built in Israel or the USA. He has chosen a really beautiful place for his new holy city. The Dead Sea Scrolls also spoke about the Angelic Architects and they have also arrived.
Yesterday, I also received a copy of some information that had been given to the Lakotah Indians in 1997.
And they told me that their elders have also spoken about the medicine mountain.
This video was created in 2009 to give people a taster and it is part two. The City of Enlightenment.
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Afflicted Mystics
On the ELIAKIM blog earlier this evening I shared how Moses had skin disease when he was working with God, and how I have the skin disease on my arm as well. In the biblical prophecies it is described as being like snow.
As such, the one promised to Moses from the tribe of Joseph has a matching affliction. A match made in heaven, that lights the fire of love of the Jewish people. The Jewish sages also knew that when I came, I would have it on my head. The skin disease on my head, only came to be after I was born again and birthed the Holy Spirit.
There are various aspects that can contribute to such an affliction.
1. Being cut in childhood that causes mutated genetics. For instance: One cut his face open on a sharp branch at the age of 4, the other had stitches in his leg, age 6. I stood on a glass in the river at the age of seven.
2. Circumcision in the family heritage, in my case my Jewish heritage that mutates the genetics. The deeds of the fathers impact on the next 3-4 generations. As such my son also has it mildly, and a sibling had it seriously.
3. Being an instrument for the Holy Spirit due to the power of the Spirit and its impact on the nervous system. The Spiritualist Church and its members have been fully aware of this down the generations.
Some of us experienced all three.
When the bible speaks about Zion, sometimes it is talking about celestial Zion, and sometimes its talking about daughter ZION, that was conceived in celestial ZION. The word 'established' mentioned by Prophet Isaiah in this text also relates to her name ELIAKIM. One of the translatations of ELIAKIM is 'God will establish'.
“The LORD has established Zion, and in her his afflicted people will find refuge.” Isaiah 14: 32
It goes without saying that daughter ZION would understand people with skin disease; and its root causes. She would also understand those that are afflicted; due to the sheer power of their energy on the nervous system of the body. Sunshine is one of the very best remedies for skin disease and the nervous system, although many people cannot afford to live in the sun, or spend a few hours in it every day. The light of the sun and its vitamin D is essential for skin disease. A peaceful environment is also essential for the mystics that are carrying the power of the divine Spirit.
Hence, why Prophet Isaiah predicted that his afflicted people would find refuge when the LORD established daughter ZION.
Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the LORD comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones. Isaiah 49:13
In this verse the LORD comforts his people, he has sent the comforter. His Son also told his followers that another comforter would come. How wonderful then that Prophet Isaiah also mentions the word 'compassion' on his 'afflicted ones'. Some spiritual people around the world, do know about our first website; that was co-created for the mission of compassion with the children. An article was also published called 'Compassionate hearts can really change the world' in an Australian magazine.
He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. Isaiah 53:7
Afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted, I will rebuild you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with lapis lazuli. Isaiah 54:11 Turquoise is to do with thymus chakra, and it is the level of consciousness of 'I ACCEPT'. It always reminds me of the American Indians. Lapis Lazuli is also a special stone with its blue hues, often associated with mystics. As such it also relates to the crystal healers and those that work with crystals, precious stones and gem essences.
We also made a post on our other blog to do with the crystal children gateway opening the other day. Children simply adore crystals, and in the 90's I used to sell a few of them, also give crystals away to the children, that came to my stand in the galilee of the gentiles. When their parents were busy shopping. The children would come to chat with me, I would open my hand with some crystal pebbles and give them a choice to choose which one they would like to have.
The White Stone that I was given mentioned in the book of Revelation was also a crystal sphere.
'The hope of the afflicted will never perish.' Psalm 9:18 'You are the helper of the fatherless.' Psalms 10:14
The hope of the 'afflicted' will never perish because they trust in the divine. The LORD God became the Father to the fatherless, and he sent his helper to the single-parent children.
"For he has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help." Psalm 22:24
"I will glory in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice." Psalm 34:2
May he judge your people in righteousness, your afflicted ones with justice. Psalm 72:2 May he defend the afflicted among the people and save the children of the needy; may he crush the oppressor. 72:4 I know, LORD, that your laws are righteous, and that in faithfulness you have afflicted me. Psalm 119:75
The psalms speak of 'judge', 'righteousness', 'afflicted', faithfulness'.
Faithfulness is to do with the Harp of Faithfulness that was revealed to King David, the same Faithfulness and righteousness that Prophet Hosea predicted would be planted in Jezreel, that happened in May 2006.
God said 'Cherry blossom'. Sometimes referred to as 'Sakura'. This cherry blossom is from Fukushima. Cherry blossom is also associated with the imperial court in Japan. Japan created a 100 yen coin depicting the Cherry blossoms, and 100 is to do with the spiritual law of giving.
As we know the blossom comes in Springtime and it is always a welcome sight to see the tree outside in full bloom. The pink always reminds me of love, and when the blossom flies off of the trees, it looks just like confetti on the ground. Its always a great joy to see the blossom. In 2005, I was told 'He will come when the blossom flies off of the trees'. The following Spring (2006) I was given instructions to go to Israel in May.
These flowers are often found on Japanese Kimono's, and the name is no coincidence. Nor is it a coincidence that they are 'T' shaped. I used to wear kimono's a lot, both inside and outside of the home. I remember a beautiful antiques silk one that I purchased second hand. The motto of prudence is 'waste not, want not'.
The judgement came to be in 2010 when the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel. The afflicted mystics will find their refuge in the new project, the new holy city.
As such, the one promised to Moses from the tribe of Joseph has a matching affliction. A match made in heaven, that lights the fire of love of the Jewish people. The Jewish sages also knew that when I came, I would have it on my head. The skin disease on my head, only came to be after I was born again and birthed the Holy Spirit.
There are various aspects that can contribute to such an affliction.
1. Being cut in childhood that causes mutated genetics. For instance: One cut his face open on a sharp branch at the age of 4, the other had stitches in his leg, age 6. I stood on a glass in the river at the age of seven.
2. Circumcision in the family heritage, in my case my Jewish heritage that mutates the genetics. The deeds of the fathers impact on the next 3-4 generations. As such my son also has it mildly, and a sibling had it seriously.
3. Being an instrument for the Holy Spirit due to the power of the Spirit and its impact on the nervous system. The Spiritualist Church and its members have been fully aware of this down the generations.
Some of us experienced all three.
When the bible speaks about Zion, sometimes it is talking about celestial Zion, and sometimes its talking about daughter ZION, that was conceived in celestial ZION. The word 'established' mentioned by Prophet Isaiah in this text also relates to her name ELIAKIM. One of the translatations of ELIAKIM is 'God will establish'.
“The LORD has established Zion, and in her his afflicted people will find refuge.” Isaiah 14: 32
It goes without saying that daughter ZION would understand people with skin disease; and its root causes. She would also understand those that are afflicted; due to the sheer power of their energy on the nervous system of the body. Sunshine is one of the very best remedies for skin disease and the nervous system, although many people cannot afford to live in the sun, or spend a few hours in it every day. The light of the sun and its vitamin D is essential for skin disease. A peaceful environment is also essential for the mystics that are carrying the power of the divine Spirit.
Hence, why Prophet Isaiah predicted that his afflicted people would find refuge when the LORD established daughter ZION.
Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the LORD comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones. Isaiah 49:13
In this verse the LORD comforts his people, he has sent the comforter. His Son also told his followers that another comforter would come. How wonderful then that Prophet Isaiah also mentions the word 'compassion' on his 'afflicted ones'. Some spiritual people around the world, do know about our first website; that was co-created for the mission of compassion with the children. An article was also published called 'Compassionate hearts can really change the world' in an Australian magazine.
He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. Isaiah 53:7
Afflicted city, lashed by storms and not comforted, I will rebuild you with stones of turquoise, your foundations with lapis lazuli. Isaiah 54:11 Turquoise is to do with thymus chakra, and it is the level of consciousness of 'I ACCEPT'. It always reminds me of the American Indians. Lapis Lazuli is also a special stone with its blue hues, often associated with mystics. As such it also relates to the crystal healers and those that work with crystals, precious stones and gem essences.
We also made a post on our other blog to do with the crystal children gateway opening the other day. Children simply adore crystals, and in the 90's I used to sell a few of them, also give crystals away to the children, that came to my stand in the galilee of the gentiles. When their parents were busy shopping. The children would come to chat with me, I would open my hand with some crystal pebbles and give them a choice to choose which one they would like to have.
The White Stone that I was given mentioned in the book of Revelation was also a crystal sphere.
'The hope of the afflicted will never perish.' Psalm 9:18 'You are the helper of the fatherless.' Psalms 10:14
The hope of the 'afflicted' will never perish because they trust in the divine. The LORD God became the Father to the fatherless, and he sent his helper to the single-parent children.
"For he has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help." Psalm 22:24
"I will glory in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice." Psalm 34:2
May he judge your people in righteousness, your afflicted ones with justice. Psalm 72:2 May he defend the afflicted among the people and save the children of the needy; may he crush the oppressor. 72:4 I know, LORD, that your laws are righteous, and that in faithfulness you have afflicted me. Psalm 119:75
The psalms speak of 'judge', 'righteousness', 'afflicted', faithfulness'.
Faithfulness is to do with the Harp of Faithfulness that was revealed to King David, the same Faithfulness and righteousness that Prophet Hosea predicted would be planted in Jezreel, that happened in May 2006.
God said 'Cherry blossom'. Sometimes referred to as 'Sakura'. This cherry blossom is from Fukushima. Cherry blossom is also associated with the imperial court in Japan. Japan created a 100 yen coin depicting the Cherry blossoms, and 100 is to do with the spiritual law of giving.
As we know the blossom comes in Springtime and it is always a welcome sight to see the tree outside in full bloom. The pink always reminds me of love, and when the blossom flies off of the trees, it looks just like confetti on the ground. Its always a great joy to see the blossom. In 2005, I was told 'He will come when the blossom flies off of the trees'. The following Spring (2006) I was given instructions to go to Israel in May.
These flowers are often found on Japanese Kimono's, and the name is no coincidence. Nor is it a coincidence that they are 'T' shaped. I used to wear kimono's a lot, both inside and outside of the home. I remember a beautiful antiques silk one that I purchased second hand. The motto of prudence is 'waste not, want not'.
The judgement came to be in 2010 when the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel. The afflicted mystics will find their refuge in the new project, the new holy city.
New Jerusalem New Blog
This blog is to share information about New Jerusalem, information that is in the bible and information that I have received directly from God.
The blog has the flames coming out of the dark background for the following reasons:
1. This is the last days of the end times.
2. God gave a vision of the holy city being surrounded by the flames of love of his holy ones; in the houses that they are to live in.
3. The flame is also to do with Joseph in the biblical prophecies, and I am the Joseph that Moses asked God to send for his people. In the Dead Sea Scrolls, it also predicted that the one that was coming would wear many colors. And only one in a thousand would be able to stand before me in integrity.
4. The bible also states that the tribes of Joseph will be saved, and that the tribes of Judah and Joseph will become one branch. The tribes in my heart are the indigenous peoples around the world.
The LORD God has chosen the location, the design, colors and the exact mountain. The Dead Sea Scrolls also predicted that the Angelic Architects would come and they have indeed arrived in perfect timing.
The name of the location was given five different times, this is also a five year of 2012. A good year for manifestation because the LORD God said 'You must be living ecologically and self-sustainably by 2012'. Well 2012 has arrived, and the people are still not supporting the divine plan and divine will. As such, the people are now witnessing yet another 8.6 tremor that can cause another tsunami.
For those that have not visited our other blogspots, you are welcome to do so.
There is also the academysounds youtube channel with two videos that have been made on New Jerusalem and the City of Enlightenment. Plus you can see other posts that have been made on the same subject on the ELIAKIM blog as well.
The wondrous woman from heaven mentioned in Rev 12, daughter ZION mentioned in Micah 4, is the same one that the book of Revelation spoke about. The one that was victorious and overcome was given the crown, the throne, a new name, the hidden manna and the name of his city that has been chosen.
I hope that you enjoy the new blog, and wish to contribute to funding the will of the LORD and his divine plan. If you know any organizations or associations that might be interested, then please feel free to put them in contact with me.
My email address is the same as this blog address at gmail without the blogspot part. Those of you that have my personal contact details can also contact me through the address that I have given to you personally. Or via skype.
Onwards and upwards everyone, lets get the ball rolling in the right direction. In harmonic concordance with the divine plan.
The LORD God does plan for it to be an ecological, self-sustainable healing city. In the Isaiah prophecies, he says 'Where is the house you will build for me?'
As such, he is still waiting for the holy city to become a reality on the earth plane. The information about it, is held in the heart of his heavenly one, and it is time to share it with humanity in outreach.
'New Jerusalem' is really like a project title. to differentiate it from the old city in Israel. The new project will not be in Israel or the USA.
This time it is holy and sacred. Where food and medicine grows freely. Where all are forgiven and no one shall say 'I am ill'. Where people shall live long and fruitful lives abundantly.
Its no coincidence that the LORD God has planned for this blog to be launched on the 11th of April 2012, because the 11th of April, is the 'Day of the STAR'.
When Archangel Michael and I first began working together, he called me SACRED STAR and during the early part of the Rev 12 timeline, that was the name that I was known by, Sacredstar. Archangel Michael told me that I had come to relieve the suffering in the world, and that I was a Messenger for God. At that time, I was not consciously aware that the divine plan would deliver the Messenger of the Covenant.
I was given divinely, one step at at time, I was given plenty of time to integrate what was required, to ensure that I fulfilled the promises that God had made.
The Messenger of the Covenant
The blog has the flames coming out of the dark background for the following reasons:
1. This is the last days of the end times.
2. God gave a vision of the holy city being surrounded by the flames of love of his holy ones; in the houses that they are to live in.
3. The flame is also to do with Joseph in the biblical prophecies, and I am the Joseph that Moses asked God to send for his people. In the Dead Sea Scrolls, it also predicted that the one that was coming would wear many colors. And only one in a thousand would be able to stand before me in integrity.
4. The bible also states that the tribes of Joseph will be saved, and that the tribes of Judah and Joseph will become one branch. The tribes in my heart are the indigenous peoples around the world.
The LORD God has chosen the location, the design, colors and the exact mountain. The Dead Sea Scrolls also predicted that the Angelic Architects would come and they have indeed arrived in perfect timing.
The name of the location was given five different times, this is also a five year of 2012. A good year for manifestation because the LORD God said 'You must be living ecologically and self-sustainably by 2012'. Well 2012 has arrived, and the people are still not supporting the divine plan and divine will. As such, the people are now witnessing yet another 8.6 tremor that can cause another tsunami.
For those that have not visited our other blogspots, you are welcome to do so.
There is also the academysounds youtube channel with two videos that have been made on New Jerusalem and the City of Enlightenment. Plus you can see other posts that have been made on the same subject on the ELIAKIM blog as well.
The wondrous woman from heaven mentioned in Rev 12, daughter ZION mentioned in Micah 4, is the same one that the book of Revelation spoke about. The one that was victorious and overcome was given the crown, the throne, a new name, the hidden manna and the name of his city that has been chosen.
I hope that you enjoy the new blog, and wish to contribute to funding the will of the LORD and his divine plan. If you know any organizations or associations that might be interested, then please feel free to put them in contact with me.
My email address is the same as this blog address at gmail without the blogspot part. Those of you that have my personal contact details can also contact me through the address that I have given to you personally. Or via skype.
Onwards and upwards everyone, lets get the ball rolling in the right direction. In harmonic concordance with the divine plan.
The LORD God does plan for it to be an ecological, self-sustainable healing city. In the Isaiah prophecies, he says 'Where is the house you will build for me?'
As such, he is still waiting for the holy city to become a reality on the earth plane. The information about it, is held in the heart of his heavenly one, and it is time to share it with humanity in outreach.
'New Jerusalem' is really like a project title. to differentiate it from the old city in Israel. The new project will not be in Israel or the USA.
This time it is holy and sacred. Where food and medicine grows freely. Where all are forgiven and no one shall say 'I am ill'. Where people shall live long and fruitful lives abundantly.
Its no coincidence that the LORD God has planned for this blog to be launched on the 11th of April 2012, because the 11th of April, is the 'Day of the STAR'.
When Archangel Michael and I first began working together, he called me SACRED STAR and during the early part of the Rev 12 timeline, that was the name that I was known by, Sacredstar. Archangel Michael told me that I had come to relieve the suffering in the world, and that I was a Messenger for God. At that time, I was not consciously aware that the divine plan would deliver the Messenger of the Covenant.
I was given divinely, one step at at time, I was given plenty of time to integrate what was required, to ensure that I fulfilled the promises that God had made.
The Messenger of the Covenant
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