Wednesday, 9 January 2013


Chapter VIII of the Laws of Manu states, ‘A Kingdom inhabited above all by Sudras, full of impious men and deprived of Twice-born inhabitants, will totally perish rapidly, attacked by hunger and disease.’

The above quote is from Samuel Aun Weor’s website and he states that the ‘twice-born’ is to do with sexuality, is he correct? No. Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born of water and of the Spirit otherwise he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Samuel also states that there are no Indians that are twice born, is that true? No. Samuel also connects Scorpio with it due to it being an astrological sign that is to with sexuality. The planet is currently in the ‘Saturn in Scorpio’ transit and it is a time in the spiritual law when inhabitants of this planet perish due to their sexual activity. For instance; 12,000 people in the USA are dying of ‘Hep C’, they have found that one in every three of the baby boomers have it and California doesn’t know how it is going to pay for all of the cases that it has found. The USA is asking for over a million baby boomers to be tested for ‘Hep C’ and I anticipate that there will be a lot more about sexual diseases during this transit. Sexual diseases don’t just impact on one lifetime, sexual diseases shape shift across generations and lifetimes. Homeopathy have done a lot research with transgenerational disease since it began.

However, in this post I am really addressing the Christians. Many Christians know that the Church has not told them the truth because the Church could not teach what it had not experienced or integrated. So why is it that the Christians have not supported the twice-born with communities where they can live like the LORD God asked for? In Isaiah 66 he asks ‘Where is the house that you will build for me?’ and because the true followers of Jesus did not build that house when we received the divine plan for New Jerusalem, humanity is perishing rapidly, attacked by hunger and disease. In addition, there is another biblical plague in Pakistan, 1.5 million animals.

How much hunger and disease are the Christians willing to experience before they will be willing to do the will of the LORD and his Son? How much hunger and disease are the spiritual prepared to endure? Will they truly wait until all of the holy, the twice born are broken?

In my experience and testimony is this: It is only when a person becomes a twice-born that the LORD God asks them to ask humanity to support them from the public purse. Why is that? The bible tells you that those that died with Christ to man’s world,  cannot return to man’s rules. For if they did it would be has if they had never been enlightened in the first place. In my experience after enlightenment comes righteousness and part of my role has been to help more people to get on track so that they can be twice-born has well. It is clear to me that it is only due to the twice-born that humanity can bring heaven to earth. Has it states above; without the twice-born humanity will perish due to hunger and disease and it will happen rapidly.

So why do Christians and the Spiritual not act rapidly when asked to do so? Why do they carry on in the same old way thinking that the end is not nigh! Well it was in December 2008 that the Son of God said ‘The end is nigh’.

There has to be a place, a sanctuary for the twice-born and one does not become a twice-born due to baptism. There is a lot more to it then a sprinkling of water. How will the Christians and the Spiritual ever know the truth if they are not even willing to do what the LORD God asks of them? Most cannot even surrender their human will, let alone be prepared to live their life in total devotion to his will 24/7. People are not forced to do so. However, without the leadership from the twice-born, humanity is doomed.

So what are the Christians and the Spiritual waiting for? Americans have sent millions to a tribute fund for the families of children that has been proven to be a ‘false flag’ event to assist the American government with his control of guns. However, an ‘eye for an eye’ makes everyone blind, guns have done the same for the USA. Americans are clearly ‘blinded’ by that which they ‘fear’; their government. Its a great pity that they do not fear the arm of the LORD God more than they do their government; for if they did we might see a sea change. I don’t support the co-creation of ‘fear’ based realities. However, justice is a thin line to walk when the future of humanity is laid on the line of recovery or extinction!

The biblical prophecies tell the people that the USA government will be defeated when New Jerusalem is built. In other words when the Sons of Light, the twice-born are living in the new holy city, the Sons of Darkness will be beaten because all of their religious cities and belief systems then become defunct. END OF! New heaven and earth comes to be and the prophecies inform you that it will endure before the LORD God.

The only reason that Obama was given another term of office is that the Christians and Spiritual still do not get it!

So are you going to suffer another 1,000 days of Obama and the Sons of Darkness that he represents?

Or are you ready for the new heaven and earth?

For the spiritual that might read this in 2009, Jesus said that the spiritual were ‘off beam.’ In other words they were not in alignment with the divine plan, they weren’t then and they are still not in alignment because they think they can do it without fulfilling the will of the LORD God. Has such, hunger and disease increases every year due to them not honoring the twice-born of the LORD God.


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